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How to find your online yoga course idea


You might be thinking about creating and launching an online yoga course but do you know how to find your online yoga course idea?

This is something that teachers struggle with because they like the idea of taking their teaching online, but when it comes to working out what they’re going to offer, they get stuck.

If that’s you, read on for some strategies to help you to find a profitable idea for an online yoga course. 

Everybody has an online course in them and you don’t have to be a mega expert to teach something online. In fact, yoga teachers are the perfect people to teach online and there are two reasons for this:


As a yoga teacher, you’re already sharing valuable teachings with your students. You’re already sharing your yoga message. You’re already qualified to teach and what you share comes from your knowledge, experience and from the heart.  

You don’t need to have some fancy qualification to share your knowledge and expertise in an online course. You can take what you already teach in person and instead teach it online. 

Many of your students are most likely in the exact same spot as you were before you did your teacher training. And those people think that your knowledge is really valuable and useful. So there’s definitely something that you’ve learned about yoga that you can share online. 

Essentially, all you’re doing is the stuff that you teach in your classes week after week. The only difference is that you’re packaging that up into an online format. 

And the great thing about teaching online is that you can reach people all over the world. 

Just think about the students that come to your classes. There are other people like them all around the world that you can reach.

And reason number two…

You’re relatable.

You already have students who relate to you. They resonate with your teachings and your vibe. These are the regulars that come back week after week. They love practicing with you because they feel a personal connection to you.  

You are someone who feels like a friend rather than someone who’s this un-relatable “expert”. This is the reason why lots of yoga teachers are already generating extra income from teaching online.

So don’t discount the fact that you’re relatable and your students resonate with you and what you share with them. This will be super useful for you to find your online yoga course idea.

All you really need is the right strategies to follow to do it successfully.

Find your ideal student

You might be thinking: I already share my teachings in the studio. Maybe I have got something that I could share. Maybe I could teach yoga and offer something online, but I just don’t know what.

If you taught online and offered an online course, then what could it be??  There are thousands of possible ideas out there.

There are so many things that you could craft and put together for your ideal students. And the key thing here is ideal students. There are people that come back week after week. They’re your tribe.

Before you find your online yoga course idea, you have to understand who your ideal students are. 

Ask yourself: What makes up my ideal students? What do they like? Which magazines do they read? Where do they go? What are their interests and hobbies? What are they struggling with?

This is the key thing: What are my ideal students struggling with?

Why do they come to your yoga classes? Why do they come back week after week? And so you need to go through this process of starting to understand who your ideal students are and why they come to you. Where are they in their yoga journey and what is it that they seek to achieve through their yoga journey? 

To find that out, you need to have these conversations. You need to start talking to some of your regular students after class and start to build a picture.

If you don’t know much about these people that are coming every week, you should start doing that now.

You want to be able to create something that your ideal students want and need.

Find what you are passionate about

Another great place to start this process is to just reflect on what you are good at and what you’re passionate about. What is the conversation that you seem to always have with people? What is the thing that your friends, your family or your students ask you about? And when they ask you this question, you just light up.

What is that thing that just helps you to light up? 

What are you really passionate about when it comes to yoga and sharing your message of Yoga? 

When you go into the course creation part, you’re going to enjoy it because it’s something that you’re passionate about. 

And you might be thinking there are things that I’m passionate about but I’ve just not expert enough to teach that topic in an online course. Everyone has their own idea of what an expert actually is.

But what is an expert? 

According to the dictionary, an expert is someone that shows a special skill or knowledge because of what they have been taught or what they have experienced.

The key point here is what you have been taught or what you have been experienced. You are fully qualified yoga teachers. You’ve been taught how to teach yoga and you personally experienced yoga as a student and as a teacher. So that dictionary definition does not say that you have to be the world’s most knowledgeable expert in this course.

That’s crucial because you don’t want to be the world’s most knowledgeable expert. That’s going to make you less relatable to your students.

You’d be too ahead of them and you wouldn’t be able to break things down in the right terminology.  You could just be too far removed from someone who’s just starting out in their yoga journey.

You want to be able to relate to your students and just be a couple of steps ahead of them. And it’s important to note that it doesn’t matter what you’re teaching or how good your topic is. Because the only reason that somebody is going to enrol in your online course is that they want the outcome.

When looking to buy an online course,  your student wants you to take them through that process and get them to the outcome. The transformation is the most important part of your course. It really and truly is the most important part of your course. 

Once you know what are your passions, your skills and your ideal students and what they could possibly need from you, then it’s time to think about what could be the outcome or the transformation that your students want to achieve.

You don’t want to create a course that’s got 20 different goals or outcomes. You just want to have one or two main outcomes. Because those courses will sell better, they’re easier to create and they’re going to be more helpful for your students. 

The three things you need to consider before you find your online yoga course idea:

Your passion: Is this idea or course topic something that you feel really passionate about? You need to be truly interested and passionate about it. 

Your skills:  Where does that passion intersect with your teaching skills? Have a think about that. And remember, you don’t have to be an expert to teach yoga online and to get people results. 

Your ideal student needs: Again, where does that then intersect with your ideal students and what they need? Find the intersection between your passion, skills and your ideal students’ struggles and needs.

That’s actually the sweet spot for your course idea.

Those are the things that you really need to consider when you think about the topic for your online course. 

After you build on those ideas and delve a bit deeper into them, there are a few things you can do:

No 1 strategy to find your online yoga course idea: Create a survey 

You can use Survey Monkey, which is an online tool where you can create forms to ask questions and send to your students. 

The purpose of this survey is to find out more information about your ideal students.

You might’ve thought it all already. Maybe at the end of class, when you’ve had some little conversations with your regulars, you could delve a little bit deeper to start to get a better understanding about what they need from you and what they are struggling within their yoga practice. 

The key thing that you need to ask in this survey is what’s the biggest challenge that they’re struggling right now in their yoga journey. It could be related to their meditation practice or related to practising yoga at home, for example.

You want to find out what is their biggest challenge. So what is stopping them or what has become a block that they’re not able to do without your help?. 

You should ask what their challenge is rather than what they want to learn about. 

People don’t know what they want, but they do know what they’re struggling with and what their challenges are. Don’t ask them an open-ended question around like “what do you want me to teach you?” because you won’t get the feedback that you need.

You need to focus this survey on their challenges and what are they struggling with. Because they don’t know the solution to their problem. They just know what their problem is. And this is why you need to ask them what is their problem. 

Create a survey with Survey Monkey and send it out to your email list. You can share the link on your social media. Or talk about it on stories, even going live and talk about it. Just get some survey results in. 

And when you get that feedback, things are going to start to click and it will become easier to find your online yoga course idea.

No 2 strategy to find your online yoga course idea: Get into online yoga groups 

So the other thing that you can do is to get into some yoga groups on Facebook. If you teach meditation, for instance, get into some meditation groups and do some research.

All groups have a search functionality that you can type in some keywords related to your initial ideas. Just have a look through the conversations because there are hundreds of yoga-related Facebook groups.

There are people in groups on Facebook talking about yoga every single day. They are talking about their challenges, their journey with yoga.

Add yourself to some of these groups and get involved in some of the conversations. You can post your survey in some of the groups if it’s relevant and the group allows you to do that. Just check that first. Or you could just ask the simple question. You could set up a little poll in the group to ask a question and get feedback from people around your initial course idea. 

So that’s quite an easy one to do. And of course, if you’ve got your own Facebook group that’s even better, you can use your own group to ask questions.

No 3 strategy to find your online yoga course idea: Create a spreadsheet

Once you have the feedback from your survey and the research that you’ve done on Facebook, then you can collate the results in a spreadsheet. 

You can use Excel or Google sheets, whatever works for you. Just set up a spreadsheet and at the bottom, you can have different tabs for themes.

You’ll start to see things evolving when you read through your survey results. 

This is a really good way just to collate the information and get a better snapshot of the data you’re getting back.

It’s just an easier way to collate everything together and to be able to analyze it. 

No 4 strategy to find your online yoga course idea: Validate your idea

So you have gone through this process: the initial work around your own passions, skills, and what your audience wants.

You’ve done the survey, you’ve had those initial chats at the end of your class and some research online. You have an idea of what you want to offer on an online course.

At this point, you need to validate it.

So we’re not jumping into the course creation phase just yet because actually you need to validate your idea. The biggest mistake you can make is to create your online course and not validate it with your ideal students.  

You should arrange to meet with some of your regular students. Why not inviting them for a smoothie with you after class, so you can talk through your idea and get their feedback?

Or you can have those chats over the phone. 

It doesn’t necessarily have to be people who have been coming to your classes. They might be following you on Instagram or they might be on your email list because of your blog. The pools of people that you have at your disposal who you believe are your ideal students. 

What is really important is that you get feedback from people who you believe are your ideal students. 

This should help you to find your online yoga course idea and is an amazing thing to do as a yoga teacher.

You know you have knowledge that’s transformational and you want to share it. And teaching online enables you to reach people around the world.  

There are still millions and billions of people who are yet to discover yoga or have not been able to start because they don’t have a yoga studio near them or they want to learn and practice yoga at home. 

They might be practicing on Youtube, but there is value in you as a teacher putting together your course.

There’s lots of yoga content out there, but there’s value in you sharing your message and piecing together your online course that’s going to lead to a transformation for your potential students. And those potential students are all over the world. So it’s just up to you to find them and to create something that they’re really going to love. 

And everybody can do this. Everyone has an online course in them just waiting to burst out. 

>>>Video training: How to find your online yoga course idea

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