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Why a clear message is essential to growing your yoga community

Blog Thumbnail Why a clear message is essential to growing your yoga community

It’s so important as a yoga teacher who wants to stand out online that you have a clear message. Your message is what you’re putting out there into the world. It’s what you stand for, it’s your brand and it is what is going to attract ideal students into your community. Great messaging is: simple, […]

Instagram for Yogipreneurs: 3 easy steps to get students in 2022

Instagram for Yogipreneurs 3 easy steps to get students in 2022

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes but love it or loathe it, Instagram is a platform where your ideal students are hanging out and you want to be where your ideal students are. If you want to grow your community you need to be visible and sharing content on the platform. You may have […]

How to prepare your yoga business for a 2023 global recession

How to prepare your yoga business for a 2023 global recession

One of your responsibilities as a business owner is to prepare your business to survive when circumstances outside of your control arise. With a global recession forecast, it’s important you prepare your business now to weather the storm. Although the news may paint a scary picture for small businesses, there are strategies you can put […]

8 essential mindset shifts to build a thriving yoga business

3 essential mindset shifts to build a thriving yoga business

If you want to build a thriving yoga business, your mindset is going to be key to your success. These mindset shifts will allow you to change the way you think about specific areas of your business, challenging any beliefs you may currently have that are holding you back from creating the success you want. […]