If you want to build a thriving yoga business, your mindset is going to be key to your success. These mindset shifts will allow you to change the way you think about specific areas of your business, challenging any beliefs you may currently have that are holding you back from creating the success you want.
Mindset shift #1: Stop thinking you can do it all on your own
If you’re serious about building a profitable and sustainable online yoga business then you are going to need to invest in support. The truth is that you can’t do it all alone.
This is the number one thing our founder Kellly McHugh wishes she had done sooner in her business.
You are so capable and yes, you can do this on your own and yes, it will be more cost-effective but it’s a false economy as you will end up burning out and having to take time out from your business. It might be that perfectionism is popping up here, feeling like you “should” be able to do it all, or that nobody else will do it exactly right. You have to break through these if you want to build a business to last.
The right people are out there, you just need to take the time to find them. Figure out where you need support, what tasks you could and would like to outsource, and then look for people who have the skills and experience to take these on. Having support frees up your time to focus on the long-term vision, driving your business forward, making more sales and positively impacting more lives.
Some areas you may seek support in along your yogipreneurial journey:
- Virtual Assistant
One of the first areas that many yogipreneurs can benefit from support is with all the https://digitalyogaacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/5-money-making-ideas-for-consistent-income-in-your-yoga-business-for-2023-4-1-2-3.jpg that takes them away from their business. A VA (virtual assistant) can help with scheduling, https://digitalyogaacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/5-money-making-ideas-for-consistent-income-in-your-yoga-business-for-2023-4-1-2-3.jpg tasks, chasing payments, all sorts of https://digitalyogaacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/5-money-making-ideas-for-consistent-income-in-your-yoga-business-for-2023-4-1-2-3.jpg tasks depending on their areas of expertise. - Bookeeper
If you have been doing all your bookkeeping and accounts on your own up until now, it might be an area you want to look at support with. Having someone do your bookkeeping for you and an accountant file your tax returns can not only save you time but save you money in the long run as they may advise on how to best allocate expenses and point out where your business could be leaner. - Social Media Manager
A common theme for yoga teachers is reluctance when it comes to social media. It is a wonderful marketing tool for your online business but many can find it overwhelming. Once you have done the initial work of figuring out your ideal audience and topics you may be able to have someone help you out with the day-to-day running of your social accounts, either posting on your behalf or even creating content for you if copywriting and understanding your tone of voice is in their expertise. - A Business Coach or Mentor
A coach or mentor can help you break through mindset blocks and help you to see opportunities in your business you may have missed. There’s an energy to this sort of investment that really increases your motivation to get a return on your investment, particularly when it is a significant financial investment and includes accountability to ensure you are taking steps forward and implementing the tools you learn.
The support you choose to invest in will depend on where you are in your business and your own particular skillset but be open to receiving help and guidance from others and you’ll be more successful in half the time.
For more on building a team: Building an epic team to support your six-figure yoga biz.
Mindset shift #2: Trust yourself
The second shift that’s crucial to your success as an entrepreneur is to learn to trust yourself. It’s a shift to go from being an employee with direction from a manager to having full autonomy over how you run your business. All the decisions are yours to make and you need to make them confidently.
Sometimes your decisions will be wrong but they will be a learning opportunity. Too many times, we second-guess ourselves and our ideas. As a business owner, you have to be clear on your mission and stand behind your ideas and decisions, even when they don’t turn out the way you had planned. Everyone makes mistakes as they grow their business but successful business owners take what they have learned and keep going.
Don’t get caught up in what other yoga teachers are doing, trying to compare and plan your next move accordingly. Your commitment to your vision, your goals and your trust in your decisions will help you turn your dreams into reality.
Mindset Shift #3: Get comfortable taking imperfect action
The third mindset shift is one that catches a lot of entrepreneurs and it’s back to perfectionism. In order to build a thriving yoga business you need to let go of your need for perfection and start to delight in taking imperfect action.
One of the key reasons why online yoga businesses don’t grow is because of perfectionism, wonderful yoga teachers with gifts to share who are stuck trying to create the perfect thing before taking it out into the world.
The truth is that imperfect action will move your business forward far faster than waiting for everything to be perfect. Reality check: Nothing is ever perfect. Taking imperfect action allows you to learn as you go, experimenting and gathering data and feedback to improve and refine your offers. You get better and better over time
So if this is you right now and maybe you’re taking days or even weeks to perfect a blog post before sharing it with your audience the best step forward is to press publish, to take imperfect action and see where it takes you. Whatever you’ve been putting off – now is the time. Think about what you can take action today so you can learn from the results.
If you’re feeling stuck with where to start: Taking imperfect action when you don’t know where to start.
Mindset Shift #4: Know your worth
Now if you feel like you might be undercharging, it’s likely you are. Yoga teachers have a tendency to be so focussed on wanting to help, to not be greedy and have such a sense of purpose that they almost feel wrong to charge.
The fact is: This is your job, this is how you make your living, pay your bills and buy your food. This is the income that you need to live.
If you take the time to really look at your expenses you will see that you need to earn a certain amount of money. There are your business expenses such as online tools, accounting software, health insurance and setting aside money for your taxes.
Then you need the money for living, your “salary” to cover your home expenses, food, transport, leisure and enough to cover when you take time off from your business for a holiday.
Making the mindset shift to understand the value you offer and charge accordingly is essential to the longevity of your business, especially as the cost of living and inflation go up. Value yourself and your business enough to charge what your services are worth unapologetically.
Mindset Shift #5: View selling as serving
Selling can feel uncomfortable, especially if you are a new business owner but the truth is, without sales you have no business.
Sales don’t have to feel this way, with one simple mindset shift: Selling is serving.
You have the solutions for your ideal students, you have tools that will improve their lives and services that they want to spend their money on. They can’t do that if they don’t know they exist!
By focussing on serving and leading with value, you will start to feel more conformable when you have to show up and sell.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself about your ideal students:
- How can I best serve them?
- What can I offer them upfront to provide results in advance?
- Why should they work with me?
When you can confidently answer those questions you will understand the value you offer, can create valuable content that supports them and build relationships with your community, converting into sales and service.
For more on the specifics of selling an online course, visit our guide:
How to Sell Your Online Course: Selling an Online Yoga Course
Mindset Shift #6: Think big
Successful yogipreneurs don’t play small, they dream big for their life and business. Cultivating an abundance mindset is so important, there really is enough to go around for all the yoga teachers so why limit yourself?
It’s time to think big for your business, your vision and your community. If you truly believed there was enough to go around:
- Why wouldn’t you think about launching an incredible transformational program for your students in the future?
- Why wouldn’t you go all out on your ideas for your business?
You are not here to play small, you are here to create an impact in people’s lives. It requires you to think and act as if those big visions are already on their way.
Whenever you find yourself feeling hesitant about an idea, an opportunity, or a collaboration, check in with yourself. Are you coming from a place of abundance, or from a place of lack, believing that those amazing things could never happen for you?
Embrace big thinking. When you show up in a big way, when you believe in yourself and when you are consistent with your actions, success becomes inevitable.
Mindset Shift #7: Find opportunity in failure
Truth bomb: All successful business owners have failed, over and over. But they don’t let it stop them, they learn from every failure and keep going.
If you can shift your perfection of failure from being a bad thing to being a learning opportunity you will have the resilience to grow a thriving business.
Failure is just part of being a business owner, successful entrepreneurs understand that failure is only a temporary setback on the road to success. Every success story you hear has a challenge or failure that had to be overcome.
Maybe something you tried failed, it doesn’t make you a failure. You can choose to learn from it, make the adjustments needed and try again. Sometimes in life, our biggest downfall becomes our biggest victory and this is the same in business.
If you are ready to achieve success in your business, you need to be ready to fail more, learn what you can do better and get up and try again and again.
Mindset Shift #8: Let go of the notion of “overnight success”
The final mindset shift is around the notion that entrepreneurs can and should get rich quick. Building a profitable online yoga business takes time and effort, there’s no such thing as an overnight success.
Financial freedom is possible but it doesn’t come without putting in the hard work. You need to invest the time, money and effort into understanding your ideal students, what they need and how you can best deliver on that, in a way that is unique from what other yoga teachers may offer.
You need a solid foundation for your business that starts with deciding on your niche. From there you can to create a content strategy and plan, build your network and show up to launch your offerings. Once you have your foundations, you can grow a profitable business with long-term impact and success. Without it, you’re relying on get rich quick schemes that just don’t work – anyone who tells you you can make 6 figures overnight is not giving you the full picture.
These core foundations of your business are all covered in Yogipreneur Launchpad, our 16-week online program, the first step for yogipreneurs who want to learn how to create and grow their online community.