Is your next best step to create an online course?
As a yogipreneur you must always be looking for opportunities to grow and expand your business, find ways to improve, grow your community, create more impact and sales. This includes turning any challenge you face into an opportunity.
One challenge that you may be experiencing is not generating enough income in your business. If this is a challenge, then you need to look at your services, offerings, how much you’re charging and the number of students you’re serving.
Is there an opportunity to reach more students to increase your income? Do you need to grow your community, create a sales funnel and nurture your leads
With every problem or challenge there’s an opportunity to find a solution. Having an online course can provide that solution, helping you to step away from capping your income potential.
If you want to thrive in the online space, establishing a business that’s sustainable and profitable, then creating an online course is a powerful step.
The world is online right now
The world is online right now and the online education industry is booming, generating $400 million dollars per day. This industry is expected to triple in the next five years!
There are course creators launching courses in almost every topic you can imagine. The market is saturated, yet the industry continues to boom.
You may have asked yourself, why would someone who can watch a YouTube video and learn for free, purchase your paid online course?
Anyone can watch and learn content for free, however when it comes to creating real transformation, it’s your expertise that students will seek out. There’s value in how you present your content that leads and guides your students to a transformation that they desire.
Not only can your offering be life changing for your students, but for your business as well. Creating online digital assets such as an online course, allows your income potential to become limitless, whilst reaching more people and reducing your costs. When you take your offerings online, your income ceiling is removed.
Would you love to…
- Have more free time and flexibility, choosing when and how you work?
- Have more financial freedom, whilst making extra income that doesn’t require you to trade your time for money?
- Share your knowledge with students all around the world?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then creating an online course is your next best yogipreneur step.
Stop the Struggle
So many teachers struggle to move beyond the safety of the studio or zoom classroom. They struggle with tapping into their true purpose and what they’re meant to be offering to the world.
Many teachers struggle with a process to actually create and craft something that’s going to be well received by their community. This can result in offerings not selling.
In truth, when you focus only on building a class schedule and that’s all you do, you will need to teach many classes in order to pay your bills, which can be exhausting. Unfortunately, that’s the reality for many yoga teachers.
Get into alignment
When you’re super clear on who you’re serving and what you’re offering, you become aligned. Alignment in your business needs to be your goal.
Alignment starts with your energy. How can you fully show up for your students if you’re teaching a packed-out schedule of 20 classes a week, feeling exhausted and burnt-out?
That’s not sustainable.
The good news is there’s another way that allows you to reach more students with your teachings, serve on a much deeper level and elevates you as a leader in your space.
Of course, it means doing the work! Deciding on a niche, getting clear on your message, creating an online course and provide powerful solutions to your students. Business is about providing solutions to problems. If your problem is that you’re out of alignment in your business, it’s time to find the solution.
Why you need a high-ticket offer
1 More Revenue
Charging a higher price for your offerings will instantly add more top line revenue to your business. You can use this additional revenue to build your business by hiring freelancers, virtual assistants, running ads and so on.Remember, cash is oxygen in your business! The more revenue you produce, the faster you can scale, impact more people and grow your yoga brand.
2 Better Results
When you offer a higher priced, higher value online course, your student gets better results.
“People who pay, pay attention.”
This is why students who join your membership or digital course will always get better results, than people who simply consume your free content.
Students inside of our programs at Digital Yoga Academy, such as the Profitable Yoga Teacher will get better results than the teachers who are simply consuming our free content.
When people make a decision to invest in themselves and their journey, they’re more invested in the outcome and take action.
Think about your own experience. If you’ve paid $97 for an online course that doesn’t have any live interaction from a teacher or community, would you complete that course and action everything that you learn? Or are you more likely to let it sit in your inbox for days, maybe even years without looking at it?
When you pay a small amount, your brain tells you that there’s little transformation to be gained. You’ll struggle to see the value and lack motivation to invest the time to complete the course.
Whereas when you pay a larger sum of money, you’re fully invested, make time and take action. To get the best value out of the money you have spent.
When this comes to the online digital asset that you offer with a higher price point, your students will be more invested in themselves. This translates to them experiencing amazing results and powerful transformations. You can then turn these into case studies and testimonials for your marketing efforts.
3 Learn More About Your Customer
A high-ticket offer allows you to get to know your customers at a deeper level than a self-paced digital course. Since you’re interacting with clients more in a group or 1:1 program, you’re more in their world. You can hear what they’re saying, experience what they’re feeling, and help them make shifts much faster.
You can use everything that you learn to continue to upgrade your signature program, improve your messaging and create better free content. Remember, the more you know about your ideal customer before you ask them to purchase something, the more likely you are to make the sale.If your content speaks directly to their pain and what they desire, you’ll build more trust and make more sales.Of course, there are many marketing strategies involved in creating and launching an online course.
The place to start is with your messaging, purpose and understanding your ideal student. Get to know your students, their pain points and challenges. What do they most need help with?Your course needs to be the solution to take your student from point A, their pain, to point B, which is their desired outcome. Get to know your students and community, understanding their journey.
Remember it’s ok if you…
- Haven’t chosen an online course topic yet – we can help you figure that out!
- Don’t feel like an “expert” – we’ll help you overcome imposter syndrome.
- Have a small audience – we share marketing strategies to grow your audience.
- Feel fear around taking the next step in your business and moving beyond the zoom classroom – we’re here to support you.
FEELING fear is normal – but staying STUCK in fear is a choice.
At Digital Yoga Academy we share marketing strategies and resources to support you in taking the leap from fear to passion, helping you creating an online yoga course!
This is what we do, what know and what we’re passionate about!
It’s the business model we’ve used to build a 6-figure online business with multiple program launches of over $50k per launch. Using the same strategies, we share with you.
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At Digital Yoga Academy we are passionate about helping yoga teachers, giving them the strategies, tools and support to build successful online yoga businesses!
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There are weekly live trainings with Kelly McHugh, our founder & CEO, business talks with inspiring yoga teachers, daily educational content and loads of support.
Yet to get your classes online?
Discover the easy steps to take your classes online in this video training.
>>> Video training: How to thrive as a Yogipreneur in tough times
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