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How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed in Your Yoga Business!


Learn how to combat and stop feeling overwhelmed in your yoga business with these 5 steps.

When you start your week without clear direction and unclear priorities, your focus and concentration suffer and procrastination sets in. Your to do list feels overwhelming and often you just don’t know where to start.

When you start the week like that, you allow your never-ending to-do list claim victory before you’ve even had the chance to get anything done.

The key is the prioritise what matters and manage your time in a way that not only allows you to actually complete tasks, but also protects your mindset and focus. Ensuring that you don’t go down an endless rabbit hole, feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

In this blog we share with you our 5-step plan to help you get focused, stop the overwhelm and get clear on your priorities.

It’s a common theme among many yogipreneurs, that the planning part of your business seems to be an area that frequently gets left behind. What you need to understand is that the more you plan, the more you set yourself up for success and the less time you waste. The key is to put in the work up front to make your life easier.

The secret formula is to be more efficient with your time and how you spend the hours you work on your business.

Here are our 5-steps to help increase your efficient, maximise your work time and feel confident when the day is done.

Step 1 Focus on Your Business Goals 

Business goals are goals that help you get results. At Digital Yoga Academy we see a lot of yoga teachers spending time on things that aren’t giving them any true results.

Two essential goals that you must have in your business plan include:

1. Goal for revenue – how much money do you want to make?
2. Goal for community growth – how many new students do you want to attract?

If you have these two goals your next step is to focus on the things that you need to do in order to reach these goals. What do you need to do to really get results?

Ultimately these are the things you need to focus on when working on your business. You need to get laser focused on how you’re spending your time and energy and if they’re aligned to these two goals.

If you’re spending time pushing your drop-in classes that aren’t speaking to a specific type of person and find that you’re struggling to fill your classes with numbers…

Then you’re spending your time and energy on the wrong area.

Times have changed. People are now looking for more support and guidance. Which is a great opportunity as a business owner. An opportunity to create offerings that provide this level of support without the overwhelm and burnout. Via creating offers such as online courses, where you can sell to many, rather than relying solely on students showing up to your drop-in classes.

When things aren’t working for you in your business and you don’t have the awareness or skills to understand the why this is happening…

You feel overwhelmed and stuck, as you’re not focusing on the business goals that really get results.

It’s imperative that you have a plan, be strategic and understand the numbers, so that you can move forward and make decisions that grow your business. The first step in moving past overwhelm, is to see the bigger picture and gather your facts so that you can make better business decisions.

We support you in understanding how to actually do this in our course Yogipreneuer Launchpad. A great kickstart course to taking your yoga business into the online space.

Step 2 – Create Rules Around Social Media & Email Monitoring

To manage your time efficiently and with minimum distractions, it’s important to be focused on what you’re doing. This means turning off your phone, closing your emails and switching off from social media. Set boundaries for yourself when it comes to really focusing your time and energy on the task at hand.

Create space for yourself to be focused only on your busines. For example, place your phone in another room, set aside time just for social media or checking emails. Create a schedule for yourself when you can attend to those things, to reduce distractions.

When it comes to email, no email is really that urgent. Set aside time just to check your emails, create out of office messages if needed.

Step 3 – Start Your Day in Creation Mode

Start your day in creative mode without external stimulus. Rather than jumping onto social media or emails, allow yourself and your mind the space to get creative. When you stimulate your mind with external information, you lower your ability to be creative and clear.

Your creativity needs space.

If you’re starting your day checking emails, responding to queries or comments on your social posts, you easily become distracted and unfocused.

Start your day doing creative work. This may be working on your marketing plan, spending time doing your forecasting, writing a job advertisement for a virtual assistant or creating content for your sales page. Get stuck into the big creative tasks that need your focus and brain power, before the little things take up your headspace and move you into overwhelm.

If you leave these tasks until the afternoon or the evening, you may find yourself in a creative rut and put off those really important tasks for another day. The tasks that help you achieve your main goals.

Step 4 – Create a Productive Space

How much time do you spend each week working on your business? How many hours a week?

Even if it’s just an hour a day, step 4 is about creating a space that helps you work in the most productive and efficient way. This step is to create a working space for yourself that you can work from. A space that is purely to work on your business and get focused.

Set up a space that feels good to you and away from distractions. This will help you to more easily get into the right frame of mind when its time working on your business.

You’re showing up as a business owner and yogipreneur who is combating overwhelm. Choose to own this title and work in a productive space for your yoga business.

Step 5 – Use a Timer

The final step to combatting overwhelm in managing your time, is to a use a timer. Set aside blocks of time for different tasks and projects. Choose how long to spend on those projects, whether its 75 minutes, or 90 minutes. Set a timer and work on your project.

Then when the timer finishes, take a break. Go for a walk or meditate. Then start again.

One of the common timers to use is the Pomodoro timer. A Pomodoro timer is 25 minutes long. This is the perfect length of time to help you avoid procrastination, be productive, create urgency and help you stay focused on your task.

Remember not every day can be a highly productive day. Be easy on yourself on those less productive days. In fact, a less judgmental approach towards yourself will allow you to jump back in with both feet the next day, rather than feeling sleepy, grumpy or guilty that you didn’t get it all done the day before.

If you’re needing a quick kick in the booty to actually get things done, there’s something about a timer that motivates you to be able to fit in as much of that task as you can in that timeframe.

It stops you from multitasking, switching between tasks and using up more brain power,
which actually wastes 20% of your time.

When you begin to work within time blocks and set a timer, you will be surprised at how much work you actually get done. Your productivity increases and your ability to focus on what you need to get done, becomes less stressful.


Remember to focus on your priorities, move any distractions out of your way and create time blocks for your tasks. There’s no such thing as perfect productivity 24/7 week, and you will have off days or distractions come in to swoop you away.

But as long as you have some helpful methods to fall back on, you’ll be able to get into a rhythm that not only keeps you moving forward, but that feels good too. And that’s just as important when it comes to the work you do!

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Yet to get your classes online?

Discover the easy steps to take your classes online in this video training.

>>> Video training: How to thrive as a Yogipreneur in tough times

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