There is a myth in the yoga industry that you cannot make money teaching yoga or that making money and a business from yoga somehow makes you a bad yogi.
Every now and again this raises its head,
A comment on a post or an email landing in my inbox sharing this belief that yoga isn’t a business and that I shouldn’t be helping teachers to make money teaching yoga.
Perhaps this belief is subconsciously playing out in your business- and a sign that it is is that you’re undercharging.
So let this land right here…
Back in 2016, the yoga industry was worth over $80b globally
You 100% deserve to make money teaching yoga, to be paid abundantly for the gifts you share, and to have your piece of the yoga industry dollar pie! The way you do that is by growing your yoga community.
That requires you to be visible with your content and your message and to show up present and powerful.
Many teachers tend to hide when it comes to selling and this is a big mistake.
A big part of your ability to sell and make money is your money mindset and the relationship you have with money. And this is because a relationship dynamic with money must be seen as a flow of giving and receiving. It’s not just a one-sided relationship where you take, take, take. This is a flow of giving and receiving, and you must balance out the energy around this relationship in this way.
It’s like balancing out the relationship with anybody. And with money, the relationship has to feel balanced and many of you will have a rather imbalanced relationship with money. We all have.
I’m still working on mine and it’s an ongoing practice. Every time I increase my financial levels of success, new information comes up to the surface. Your mindset programs come up to the surface. So I need to be constantly refining my mindset and my dynamics and my ability to manage money even better.
That’s a constant journey for all of us.
Why your money mindset is the way it is right now
We can have quite a negative relationship with money but what we have to realize is that money isn’t bad money, money isn’t stressful and money isn’t unhealthy.
It is just the way we’ve been raised to see the money. And even if we have really good intentions around money, you still need to be aware that that’s the case.
It’s fair to say that right now, whatever you’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing around money is very much to do with the way that you were raised and brought up and what conversations were going on around money at the time.
So it’s important to start the process to reprogram our thinking around money if we want to have a healthy relationship with money.
How to start shifting your money mindset
1) Get clear about the intention behind wanting more money
As yourself, why else do you want to create more money? Is it a lifestyle? Is it experiences? You have to think about why you want to create what you want to create.
Money is nourishment. Money is an amazingly powerful enabler. It helps you create a higher lifestyle for yourself. It helps you to create a bigger impact.
One of the reasons why I am excited for money to nourish me is so that I can reach more people because I know that that is my purpose to reach and help more people,
So, money helps us grow, we’re meant to be expanding here at this time, and money supports us to do that. That’s why it’s really important to get into deeper alignment with money.
2) Understand the energetics behind money
Right now, you may be worried about not having enough money. You may be worried about people judging you for wanting more, etc.
There are lots of weird and wonderful belief systems, stories, thoughts, patterns, behaviors, and characteristics that we have around money and it’s so important that we take the time to re-program our mindset to actively support our growth financially.
What is important to realize and understand is that you must recognize what your money stories are and any limiting beliefs around money that are holding you back for you to make money in your business.
This is the energetics of money. If you don’t believe that you can make a certain amount of money
that it’s not possible for you or you believe that you don’t deserve it, or that you have to work hard and burn yourself into the group to make it, your ability to make money in your business will be affected.
It will be more of a challenge for you to make money because energetically your relationship with money is not set up for you to receive money and so healing this so that you can receive money is essential
This isn’t talked about enough about the energetics behind making money, so take some time to consider where you stand with money energetically, right now.
3) Dive into your subconscious mind
The energetic frequency that you hold for money is deeply embedded within your subconscious mind so dive as deeply as you can and get under the surface of what is going on.
Are you telling yourself you don’t deserve to make money?
Are you perhaps scared of making money because that means you’re creating more success and there’s an underlying fear of success as that means more visibility in the world?
Are you worried about losing everything – that making more money means there’s more money to lose if things go wrong?
You can dismantle these stories when you start to bring awareness to them and understand them more and where they originate from.
It’s important to realize that whatever comes up in terms of your stories, at the moment you are believing them. they don’t just exist for any reason, they exist because you’re believing in them and they’re benefiting you in some way on a psychological level, so the more you understand your self-limiting beliefs the better.
4) Connect to the fact that you’re a master storyteller
Another way of shifting your money mindset is through really connecting to this idea that any thoughts and beliefs you have around money are ultimately just stories.
Remember your mindset is made up of stories. It’s like you’re a big walking storybook with many stories that you are telling yourself. So, the first step towards change is awareness, real awareness.
Instead of getting caught up in the story, observe the story with curiosity.
“Wow, how interesting that I’m currently telling myself that I’m going to lose everything and that’s the reason why I’m not allowing myself to create more money”. “How interesting is that!”
Just get fascinated by what you’re telling yourself rather than getting caught up in the story and believing it. This is the first step to shifting your mindset around money so that you can create an abundant mindset and start investing in yourself.
This is something that we witness when teachers are considering joining one of our programs such as The Profitable Yoga Teacher, and they’re looking at their finances.
Of course, if you’re a business owner and you’re not making any money yet in your business it can feel like a massive risk to spend money, and it’s interesting to witness different mindsets that people have when it comes to money.
The teachers that have a more abundant mindset understand they have to invest to accumulate and if they do the work, they’ll make back their investment and more.
Then there are teachers with a less abundant mindset who only focus on the up-front or monthly payment and forget to consider that they will be receiving money, that this is an investment.
This goes back to the concept of this relationship with money being a dynamic of giving and receiving.
5 years ago I spent 10k to work with a coach and I made the money back within 2 weeks, which was great because I’d paid for that coach on my credit card.
A few years ago I invested 30k upfront. This wasn’t on a credit card but it was coming out of my business account. It felt scary at the time but a few months later I had my first 6 figure launch.
Now I’m excited to work with new coaches and mentors that will help me to level up. You just have to tell yourself and believe in yourself that you will make the money back and there’s a kind of magic that happens when you invest that makes you put the work in so that you do what’s necessary to make the money back
However, this mindset shift didn’t happen overnight. This is a result of healing my money mindset, a result of healing the stories that I grew up with, and the beliefs that were holding me back from giving money and receiving more money and support.
5) Be open to receiving support
Right now you’re likely doing this all on your own and in reality, you can’t do it all on your own and you shouldn’t want to.
If you have a goal to grow your business, eventually you’ll need support in some shape or form. That might be business support from a mentor or coach, but even more likely is that you’ll need support from a VA or an accountant. Maybe even someone to help with social media.
As you grow you’ll need support and you might also invest in new systems and software to help you to automate more and systemize your business. This is essential for growth and it all costs money. You might invest in some paid advertising – again costs money. Essentially, you have to spend to accumulate
and your money mindset is a massive part of this.
If you’re afraid to spend money and invest you’ll be stuck doing everything on your own and you won’t grow–you’ll eventually burn out.
6) Work on building your own self-belief
Of course, it can feel risky sometimes especially at the start of your business when you pay for coaching or tools upfront without even having a community to sell to.
In fact, at the start of Digital Yoga Academy, I paid for Teachable, Convertkit, and Leadpages upfront before we even had grown a community. I was a couple a hundred dollars a month and that was a lot of money for me at the time, but in my heart and my bones, I was going to make it work.
In hindsight, I could have gone for free options but I went ALL IN.
Because I knew that I was going to make it a success. There was no other option available
and it was going to be a success. I knew I would make it a success. And maybe it’s that mindset loaded with grit and determination that made it a success but it’s also the money mindset of abundance.
Even though I was spending (i.e. giving) without receiving at the time I did it anyway because I knew that eventually, I would be receiving money that would pay off and pay for itself and more.
And of course, 6 years later I have a multiple-six-figure business and we have just had another six-figure launch. Everyone’s timeline is going to be different as there are many factors involved and your mindset – your money mindset specifically is one of them.
I believe in my abundance. I had been affirming that to myself for many years. But, it didn’t start that way, I was brought up hearing “money doesn’t grow on trees”. Even now my mother says “don’t spend it all, save it for a rainy day”.
I wasn’t brought up in abundance and you don’t have to be but, you can change the course of history, you can be the first person in your family to create wealth and impact and you can change the course of history.
7) Audit your current financial situation
One way to audit your current financial situation is to journal about how you currently feel about money
and what is happening around you concerning money.
For example, are you currently creating fear and anxiety? Are you currently creating more and more debt? Do you pay off your credit card and immediately stack it up again? Are you hiding from checking your bank balance because you’re afraid of what will be there?
Ask yourself these questions and do some journaling on them for you to get clear about your current financial situation.
Another thing to be mindful of during this process is how you’re currently talking about money. Identifying your self-talk about money will reveal the way you currently feel and think about money.
Think, what if money could hear what you’re saying?
What is it that you say about money?
What do you want money to hear and what do you not want money to hear?
What if money could hear your thoughts?
This can help you to be more aware of what you’re saying and thinking and could help you change and reframe your thoughts and feelings around money.
You 100% deserve to make money teaching yoga, to be paid abundantly for the gifts you share, and to have your piece of the yoga industry dollar pie!
However, this is harder to achieve if your current relationship with money is one of lack and not of abundance. But you also have the power to reprogram your mindset around money to be able to freely give and receive abundance.
Know that;
It is loving for you to have more financial flow in your life
It is loving for you to create more money and to talk about money
It is loving for you to re-program your mindset
When you learn how to receive more money, you’re receiving more energy you’re building up your energetic reserves so that you can do bigger and better in the world so that you can support yourself, your family, and your community in a bigger and better way.
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>>> Video training: How to thrive as a Yogipreneur in tough times
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