What’s hot, what’s not and where do you need to be focusing your marketing efforts in 2023?
Here we are in 2023 and if the last few years taught us anything when it comes to our business, the real test of your business and marketing skills is how well you’re able to adapt to change.
A survey of marketers found that 80% of marketers say their industry changed more in the past three years than in the last 50. Marketing is changing at a rapid rate and the reason is because consumers are changing.
Our attitudes and preferences are changing and so it’s up to business owners, marketers and brands to keep up.
We must be willing and able to change our strategies. We must have our finger on the pulse.
We must be listening to our students and making sure we know what’s happening in the space and around us because what worked last year doesn’t necessarily work today.
Because of this, we really believe that the yoga teachers-the Yogipreneurs- who will win in 2023 are those who listen to their community. Those of you who survey your audience.
Those of you who take the time to niche down and get super specific about who you’re serving
because when you do that you learn so much about who you’re serving and the problem you solve which results in more effective marketing because marketing is communicating the problem you solve.
Become more data driven.
This is not new, but it is important. And it’s even more important today because we know the space we’re in is changing rapidly.
Niche down.
Do it in 2023 if you haven’t already. This isn’t going away. The Yogipreneurs who succeed and thrive online are the Yogipreneurs who have chosen who have decided on their niche and who they’re serving. They know the ins and outs of their audience because they have gone deep into the research.
This isn’t necessarily a trend. The word ‘trend’ implies that something is temporary, which this definitely is not. However, we felt it important to note as somewhere you need to be focusing your attention on in 2023. Knowing your niche is a necessity in order to, not just survive, but to really thrive online and great a great message that cuts through all the noise of the online space and sets you apart within this industry. This is what converts into paying students.
#1: Customer retention
We don’t see this as something that will be trendy this year and not trendy the next, but instead, it’s more of a focus area in terms of marketing and definitely needs to be a focus for you if it isn’t already.
Customer retention and community building is essential. This is your big marketing focus for 2023. Do this and you’ll see your business transform.
For any marketing strategy to stick and be effective, you need to be focusing on building a loyal community of people who are aligned with you and your values.
The opposite of this- focussing on simply going viral, growing only on instagram or using growth hacking marketing techniques- will never bring you the success and growth you want and deserve. A high follower count may look impressive but it doesn’t pay off in the long run if there are no shared values and those people don’t stick around.
Since starting The Digital Yoga Academy back in 2017 we’ve built a community from zero to 20k. It was challenging, but the hard work pays off because our programs fill up every time we launch. We have thousands of yoga teachers going through our paid programs & sold out retreats, all because of the engaged, aligned and active community we worked so hard to build.
#2: Omni Channel presence
It used to be that customers would interact with you across 7 touch points before making a buying decision. This has changed.
The average consumer journey now involves 20-500+ touch points!
This means that people are in your community consuming your content (if you’re sharing) for a longer period time before they actually buy from you.
What is an Omni Channel Presence?
An Omni Channel Presence is when you use multiple channels to reach your audience. This means not just putting all your eggs in one basket, so to speak, and only focussing your efforts on instagram, but instead, using multiple platforms to get your message out there.
Utilise Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Blogs, Podcasts, Pinterest, and build and email list.
Increasing your channels, increases the touch points your audience has with you and speeds up the process of first discovering you and your offers to then purchasing from you.
But how do you do this?
We know, this sounds like a lot of hard work. You’re thinking, ‘how on earth am I going o find the time for all of that content creation’. This is why you need a content strategy. We teach you how to repurpose your content to share across multiple platforms inside The Profitable Yoga Teacher Program.
#3: Short Form Video
Short form video has already began to dominate the online space. With the rise of TikTok and Instagram reels, this form of content has become incredible popular and it’s here to stay. Youtube shorts are catching up, as well as Pinterest story pins, so if you haven’t already began to take short form video seriously, now’s the time to do so.
This form of content is an opportunity to get even more creative with your content and how you are spreading you message. Think about what you can do that will stand out from the crowd. Following trends can be a great way expand to more people, but how can you create original content that is specific to you and your unique voice? How can you tell your story? The challenge now is to make your video stand out in a sea of copycats.
You must make short form video part of your marketing strategy in 2023. It doesn’t have to be perfect, super aesthetic and professionally edited, but can you make it fun, can you add value to the viewer’s life and can you captivate your audience’s attention?
#4: Podcasts
Audio content will be taking a front seat in 2023.
This is how you reach a global audience. Podcasts give you an opportunity to be in iTunes Spotify libraries, as well as all the other podcast channels where people are often searching for specific topics.This is hugely beneficial when it comes to reaching highly engaged audiences and create engaging content that people can easily download and stream.
Not to mention, the podcast space is vastly less saturated that most other platforms, making visibility and potential to grow much easier.
Podcasting will continue to grow as a marketing tool; it is an excellent way to build thought leadership, develop niche expertise, and create more intimate connections. It can really give you an edge within your niche, especially within your network of partners that you may be able to work with, helping to build your authority.
#5: Artificial Intelligence
The future has arrived and artificial intelligence (AI) is officially everywhere — and more accessible than ever.
TikTok effects for example. There’s a range of AI-inspired effects to choose from, including the ability to create an entire background for your video by merely typing text.
Chatbots are Getting Better because of AI
By 2025,
95 percent of customer interactions with brands will be via artificial intelligence (AI), such as chatbots. Whether or not you like it, chatbots can help you boost customer engagement, improve customer satisfaction, and drive sales.
AI can be used in so many different ways:
- Adding captions to your videos
- Repurposing a YouTube video into a blog
- Writing captions
The list goes on. However, this isn’t to say that you AI can replace your individual insight, value and personality. It absolutely cannot, but when it comes to making content creation and repurposing content quicker and easier, it’s definitely a tool that can help.
How are you bringing in diversity, equity, and inclusion into your marketing? How can you better connect with audiences across different channels? How will you be adjusting your content strategy to increase the growth of your community?