Why Yoga Teachers Need To Have An Email List: Having an email list of zero (or close to it) is perfectly ok; it’s where we all start after all!
The important thing is to prioritise growing your list if you want to have a successful yoga business.
You should have clear intentions and processes in place that are focused on building and nurturing your email list. This process is not as difficult as you might think and there are some simple and effective ways to grow your list, even if you’re starting at zero, but you must also understand why yoga teachers need to have an email list.
I promise you that those first people you get on your list will turn out to be some of the most valuable connections you have in your yoga business. Connection is key in the online world and building an email list of people that connect to you and your yoga brand can be the difference between having a successful yoga business and one that never really takes off.
You should think of an email list as a marketing tool that creates a relationship with your potential students. It’s important to think of your list as a collection of people rather than a collection of email addresses or – even worse – a way to make money.
Don’t get me wrong, an email list will make you money, but focus on the relationships first because email is a really effective way to start to build relationships with your students and adding value to those relationships. It’s an excellent way to show your personality, tell your stories and offer VIP value.
Let’s take a look at four key reasons why building your email list should be a priority for your yoga business this year:
1. You own your list!
Social media is rented land with constantly evolving goal posts and algorithms that as a business page owner, are out of your control. It’s also highly competitive especially in the wellness space. Businesses are also faced with the challenge of diminishing organic reach but it’s comforting to know that email has remained the constant in this ever-changing landscape.
So owning your list is a big deal! Many marketing experts say that “the money is in your list” and while that is usually true, your list is also the heart and soul of your community.
Make it yours. Treat those people well and offer value.
2. Learn more about your tribe!
Having an email list is your direct channel to communicate with those who are connecting to you and your yoga brand.
It only takes one visit to your website for a potential student to sign up to your list and start connecting with you through email. From this one visit, you can begin a new relationship and who knows what can come of that connection for you both.
Listen to those on your list, ask them questions, dig deep, and then serve them what they are asking you for.
3. Show them exactly who you are!
Email can add a personal touch to an otherwise impersonal online experience. Authentic, heartfelt emails can be deeply personal.
Think back to a time you received an email that spoke to your heart and offered exactly what you needed at the right time — maybe it was advice, perhaps it was a suggested online tool, or maybe it was just simply a quote.
Email is powerful. Don’t underestimate it!
The communication you send by email comes right into the inbox of your potential students. Subscribers to your list don’t have to do anything extra to stay in contact with you, other than sign up in the first place.
As you begin to build a relationship through email, your prospective students will start to trust you and your advice.
In time, when you have something to offer, these subscribers will be more likely to sign up to your classes, workshops and retreats. In fact, people on your email list are more likely to become your customers than anyone else connected to you by another marketing channel.
4. Your tribe won’t forget about you!
You go to all the effort of marketing your yoga business (SEO, Facebook Ads, Instagram, and on and on…) and then hope that your website visitors will remember to visit your site again someday when they’re ready to sign up for one of your classes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that!
Not only are people busy but they might not be ready just yet. Remember, email marketing is about nurturing relationships and having people on your email list means you can remind them of you and your offerings until the day they are ready to book your amazing yoga retreat abroad.
In online sales, there is a general rule that it takes seven touch points to make a sale. Coming to your website is one touch point, seeing your social media post is another touch point. Each touch point becomes a series of events that build up to making an online sale.
Be patient, provide value, support your list, and when it is the right time for your subscribers to book a yoga retreat abroad, you will be the first person they think of.