It is totally possible to launch your online yoga course to a small audience and to make money from it. This isn’t about filling up the best online yoga classes. This is about creating and successfully launching a yoga course to a small community. In this post, you are going to learn how!
As a yoga teacher creating an online yoga course, the size of your audience is determined by the size of your email list. Having the best online yoga course launch isn’t about the size of your email list, it is about how your nurture and communicate with that list.
When it comes to online education and launching online yoga courses there is a conversion rate that you can use to predict how many people on your list will convert to paying students. 2% is the industry average and is typically used as a guide.
However, it is important to remember that this is just a guide. The bigger your list, the harder it is to personalise your message with your audience.
When you personalise your message to your email list by treating them as people and making them feel special you can totally have a launch that smashes that 2% industry average out the door. This is how you can have an incredibly successful online yoga course launch to a small audience.
In this post, you are going to discover personalisation strategies you can use in your yoga business online. Use these to nurture a small list and how you can use your first launch to bring new yoga students on board.
Digital Yoga Academy’s first launch produced 0 sales!
Our first-course launch produced 0 sales and 0 revenue. Our second launch brought in 14 sales and $1,360. Since then we have launched again and again and again over a period of three years. Our last Profitable Yoga Teacher launch brought in $130k!
When you launch your online yoga course, it isn’t just about the people who pay for it
When it comes to launching, a lot of course creators and yoga entrepreneurs put a lot of their focus on the revenue of their launch. While it is important to know how to make money as a yoga instructor, there are so many things that come out of a launch, other than just revenue. There are so many opportunities to build relationships with potential students as well as business partners such as guest blogging or podcast interviews.
Potential students may become aware of your yoga business and while they might not be ready to buy from you now, they might come back for your next launch a month or even a year later.
There are so many benefits to having a course launch. You have no idea all of the awesome things that are going to come out of launching, so don’t wait.
It takes course to launch your online yoga course to a small audience
People who have successful launches, launch no matter what happens. They will continue to launch again and again. The way you’re going to learn and become successful at launching your online course is just by doing it.
Build a personal relationship with the people on your email list
The number of people on your email list is a vanity metric.
People love to talk about how big their email list is. What is way more important than the size of your list is your relationship to the individuals on it. Let’s not call them subscribers, let’s just call them people.
When you teach yoga online your relationship with those people is what will ultimately make your launch successful. We need to stop thinking about these people as leads or subscribers and remember that these are all people behind those names and email addresses.
Stop thinking of your small email list as a disadvantage, because you can turn it into your greatest strength. When you have a small list you can add personal touches with a solid content marketing strategy.
On previous launches where it’s been to a small group of teachers who have registered for a challenge, we will reach out with personal videos. We use a service called Bonjorno where every time someone registers for our challenge we get notified. We then record a quick thank you video which automatically gets sent to their inbox. This is a great tool for personalising your message and nurturing the people who sign up for your free offerings and challenges.
When you launch your online yoga course send emails regularly and always reply!
Make sure you always reply to your emails. This is where the conversation gets started! This is why you need to consistently email your list because they will hit reply and tell you what they want, what they like and what they don’t like.
If you’re ever wondering what to say every week to your list just tell them something that will be useful for them. Maybe it is a lesson you learned or something you are contemplating at the moment or a struggle you are facing. Just be real with them and they are going to respond and start a conversation.
The people on your list have the same thoughts, hopes and dreams as you, so just start that conversation.
This type of personalisation is so much easier when you have a smaller audience. This is how you can really successfully launch your online yoga workshops to a small audience.
The founding member strategy
Another yoga marketing strategy you can use when you launch your online yoga course to a small audience for the first time is called the founding member strategy. This strategy is great for launching a yoga membership site.
It creates an opportunity for you to get going and create momentum with a tiny audience.
This is one of the fastest strategies to deploy. You don’t need a sales page, launch videos or a challenge. This strategy is about speed.
Why you should try the founding member strategy when you launch your online yoga course
The real benefit of this is that it allows you to validate whether there’s actually any interest in what you are considering to create. It allows you to generate money before you even create anything. You can create momentum and generate stories.
As you begin to grow your business, the stories of people who are getting results are your most valuable marketing assets. Your audience also benefits because this allows them to get in on the ground floor at the lowest price possible. They will be able to stay on this low price point for as long as they remain a member.
These members can help shape the direction you take with your course or membership offering as they will get first access and first-mover advantage. This is a big win-win for you and for your audience as well.
Here’s what do do
When you have an idea, before you start creating anything, put out an invitation for people to join you before anything has been created or confirmed. This can be done by email, Facebook live or via an Instagram or Facebook post.
First, you share that you have an idea for something and then you cast the vision for what you see that idea becoming. Next, you invite your audience to join you. Give them a call to action to send you a direct message or to reply to your email.
This sounds pretty simple, right? So why don’t more people do this?
When you actually come to do this you might get stuck in your tracks and there are a few reasons for this:
Number one: Perfectionism
You might be saying to yourself ‘what are people going to think, I’m trying to sell something and haven’t even finished it?’
It might feel like you have to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s.
Perfectionism can stop you in your tracks!
Number two: Fear that no one will buy from you
Remember that you’re asking people to send you a direct message, not comment on a post. So you don’t have to worry about the fear of nobody buying from you because the direct message or email shields you from that. Nobody needs to know what you’re testing out here in your business and if it’s worked out or not. And honestly, people don’t really care anyway.
Number three: Fear of looking stupid
The third reason people don’t move forward is that they fear they’re going to look stupid with their audience because they don’t have everything figured out.
Stop worrying about yourself and shift your focus to the people you can serve. You have got a solution to a problem that people are experiencing right now.
These three fears really hold people back.
The reality is you don’t have to get everything perfect, you just have to get going. And nobody is going to know whether you get one or one hundred responses when you’re doing it via direct message. When it comes to looking stupid, that’s just you focusing on yourself. Shift your energy, focus on your audience and all of that fear disappears
To successfully launch your online yoga course to a small audience you will need a few hundred people on your list. It won’t take very long to be able to grow an audience of a few hundred by learning and implementing email marketing strategies. If you don’t have a few hundred, then that is where you should put your focus on first.
Focus on growing your audience with content, visibility, collaborations, opt-in freebies and challenges then you will be ready to launch your first online yoga course.
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At Digital Yoga Academy we are passionate about helping yoga teachers overcome these fears and give them the strategies, tools and support they need to build successful online yoga businesses!
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There are weekly live trainings with Kelly McHugh, our founder & CEO and business talks with inspiring yoga teachers. Plus you will find yoga teacher resources, daily educational content and loads of support to help you build your yoga teaching career.
Yet to get your classes online?
Discover the easy steps to take your classes online in this video training.
>>>Video Training: Launching your online yoga course to a small community
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